撰稿人 | 桑之未
(This article is attached with English translation)
3月,欧美日本等国家受到疫情影响,奔驰、宝马、奥迪、保时捷、雷克萨斯、沃尔沃、林肯、兰博基尼、法拉利等车企把工厂关闭时间延长至4月或5月,这对进口车销售产生一定的影响,由于各家进口车企对中国的出口到货时间差不多是N+3个月份(丰田约为1个月),对进口车销量的影响会在后几个月显现;另外2月国内经销商因为疫情暂停销售,积累的进口库存在3月份释放,所以国内进口车库存较为充足,对销售实际影响不大;4月份随奔驰等品牌开始逐步开启欧洲工厂生产,进口车资源全年看还是较为充裕的,各家车企预计不会调整进口车全年销售目标 。
奔 驰
一季度,奔驰经销商零售量为14万辆,同比下滑23%,市占率为27.1%。一季度,奔驰官方公布的销量为13.9万辆,同比下滑20%,奔驰销量下滑低于行业均值,这与去年年末积累的订单今年前两个月集中交付有关。据北京统计局公布的数据显示,一季度北京汽车制造业增值下降30.2%,全市生产汽车29.5万辆,比上年同期下降27.9%。北京奔驰从2月10日开始复工,作为北京汽车工业中最优质的资产,北京奔驰承担产量与产值的双重压力;一季度乘联会数据显示北京奔驰销量为11万辆,占北汽集团销量的56%,这对奔驰的零售与价格产生较大的压力 。
3月,奔驰新车成交均价为48万元,与去年同期比较上涨1.1万元,品牌折扣在10%左右,经销商新车销售有一定的利润空间。一季度,奔驰A级、GLB、GLC L三款车型销量增速较快,分担了奔驰C级、E级的销量压力,但这三款车型折扣率也有所增加。其中奔驰A级销量同比增长31%,达到1.3万辆,新车均价21.3万左右,与国产同级别车型比较,价格最贵,但与去年同期3月份比较,价格下降近2.2万元,这与销量的提升以及车型销售比例有关。新上市的GLB零售突破5000台,均价在33万元左右,同级别宝马X1均价在25万元上下,GLB销量和价格均有一定的拓展空间。GLC L零售超过3.1万辆,折扣与销售均价保持稳定。奔驰进口车销售主力GLE零售超过7500台,达到去年同期水平,销售均价保持在79万左右,属于经销商利润车型。
奥 迪
3月,奥迪新车成交均价为29万元,比去年同期下降2万元左右,品牌折扣率为24%,走势平稳。与奔驰、宝马比较,奥迪进口车销量较少,奥迪Q7等主力销售车型受疫情影响暂未上市,国产车型中,Q3、A3、Q2L等小车占比要比奔驰、宝马高,对成交均价有一定的影响。在单一车型成交均价方面,奥迪A6L上市5个季度,成交均价维持在36万左右,比上代A6L退市的价格有4万元的提升;同级别奔驰E级平均售价46万,宝马5系平均售价43万,虽然三款车型销量比较接近,但均拉开了价位区间;在中型SUV细分市场,奥迪Q5L均价维持在34万元左右,奔驰GLC L平均售价44万元,宝马X3平均售价37万元,三款车型也是销量接近,价位不同。
3月,凯迪拉克新车成交均价为30万元,比去年同期上涨2万元;品牌折扣率为18%,与去年同期比较减少2个点。凯迪拉克一年中实现了成交均价,折扣率双回升,这体现了管理团队的工作绩效,这一业绩的取得主要是依靠发布售价更贵的新车并对发布新车改名得以实现的;与去年比较,老款零售折扣30个点左右的ATS-L、XTS退市停售,改款发布了CT5、CT4两款新车型,并在去年7月推出全新中大型SUV车型CT6,售价41.97万起,这对品牌折扣率与成交均价回升均有很大的帮助。不过在售车型折扣与成交均价走势并不好,如主力销售车型XT5与去年同期比较,成交均价从34.2万元下滑至30.6万元,减少3.6万元,不过折扣率走势向相反,从去年同期的25%却减少到20%,收了5个点的折扣,折扣的回升,主要是通过调整新车指导价实现的;2017年11月,凯迪拉克发布XT5 28E四驱技术型售价37.99万元,2019年6月XT5中期改款,同款车型售价为34.97万,指导价下调3万多,这对XT5的折扣率回升帮助很大。凯迪拉克在售的两款车型,由于没有到中期改款,厂家指导价也没有调整,折扣与均价更能反应真实状态,CT6成交均价为33万元,与去年同期比较下滑4.3万元,折扣率为25%,与去年同期比较增加6个点;XT4成交均价为25万元,与去年同期比较下滑3.2万元,折扣率为20%,与去年同期比较增加9个点;从以上数据不难看出,凯迪拉克逐渐放弃高定价、高折扣的销售思路,开始降低新车指导价,降低新车销售折扣,减少高折扣对品牌的伤害,逐步提升品牌价值。
林 肯
讴 歌
3月特斯拉零售1.3万辆,其中国产model 3占88%;其中销量前十城市占整体销量的98%,特斯拉销量集中在中大型城市;上海销量超过3000台;北京、杭州、广州、深圳销量均超过1000台,北京销量近1800台;不限购城市成都、苏州销量超过500台;南京、宁波、重庆、天津、西安、青岛、厦门销量突破300台。3月是特斯拉重点的季度末交付月份,此前从2019年6月1日开启的国产车预定收单,批量在3月集中交付;目前预定model 3可以在2-4周内交付,4月特斯拉启动金融促销政策,说明订单获取是目前重中之重的任务。
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★ 豪华车月度报告:
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从“车盖女神”到“4S店车闹” 过度维权恐得不偿失
大众首提股比提升 奔驰、丰田跟进通用、福特暂无计划
Sang Zhiwei: In Q1, the dealer retail sales dropped by 2.27 million in which the luxury car market became the most resistant segment
Written by / Sang Zhiwei
Insight into the Chinese Luxury Car Market
Report | Data | Consulting
Keywords:Luxury car market, Sales volume of dealer, Market share,Average selling price,Discountrate
This is the 3rd luxury car market analysis report in 2020. The previous report can be obtained through the bottom menu "Monthly Report", thank you for your support!
In Q1 2020, dealer sold 3.19 million domestic passenger cars with a YoY decline of 42%, and a decrease of 2.27 million units from the same period last year. 20 luxury brands retailed 518,000 units with a YoY decline of 26%, and a decreased of 180,000 units from the same period last year. Among them, dealer retailed 1.14 million domestic passenger cars in March, down 33% YoY, up 45% MoM. Dealer retail sales of 20 brand luxury car were 209,000 units, down 17% YoY, and up 54% MoM. Luxury cars have become the most resistant segment of overall market. First-tier cities and the eastern and southern regions have become the main regions for luxury car sales growth.
According to the data from CADA, as of the end of March, the national dealer store resumption rate was 95.5%. The showroom traffic recovery rate was 64.0%. The sales efficiency was 61.7%. Compared with the end of February, the resumption rate increased by 65.5% and the sales efficiency increased by 39.7%. The overall recovery situation of domestic auto retail is relatively satisfactory, which helps to further increase sales in April.
Total retail sales of consumer goods for automobiles fell 30.3%
In Q1, the epidemic had a greater impact on the overall domestic economy. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the gross domestic product for Q1 was 206.5504 trillion yuan, a YoY decrease of 6.8% at comparable prices. In Q1, the national per capita income of residents was 8,561 yuan, a nominal increase of 0.8% YoY, and a real decrease of 3.9% after deducting price factors. The national consumer price rose by 4.9% YoY. In Q1, total retail sales of consumer goods reached 7.858 trillion yuan, a nominal decrease of 19.0% YoY. In March, the total retail sales of social consumer goods was 2,645 billion yuan, down 15.8% YoY (reduced by 18.1% after deducting price factors). In Q1, the total retail sales of social consumer goods fell 30.3% YoY to 632.6 billion. The automotive category fell 18.1% YoY to 260.9 billion. The total retail sales of luxury segment in Q1 was 203.8 billion, a 30% YoY decline, of which the retail sales in March were 78.5 billion, a 18% YoY decline. The decline in domestic production and consumption at both ends has a greater impact on the automobile industry. The lowering of consumer income will directly affect their consumer confidence in bulk consumer goods. If the national stimulus policy is moderate, as the economy gradually recovers, automobile consumption may also have a chance to rebound gradually .
New car retail market urgently needs inclusive stimulus policies
In March, various national ministries and commissions jointly launched policies on stimulating automobile consumption, including 1) NEV purchase subsidies and purchase tax exemption policies extended for 2 years; 2) The comprehensive removal of second-hand car restriction policies, 3) Second-hand car dealers selling used cars reduced by sales 0.5% VAT; 4) phase-out of the replacement of the national III emission standard vehicles; 5) The increase of number plates in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other limited-licensed cities; 6) The delay of the implementation of the national VI emission standard; 7) The lifting of the ban on pickup trucks into cities; 8) And the introduction of subsidies for car purchases .
This year, local governments have also introduced relevant auto consumption stimulus policies, which are rare before. Judging from the amount of subsidies provided by various localities, it is equivalent to reducing the purchase tax by half. But from Shanxi, Guangxi, Changsha, Xiangtan, Changchun, Ningbo when the policy is introduced, it only encourages local consumers to buy locally produced vehicles. This approach is suspected of touching anti-monopoly law. Consumers can only enjoy subsidies if they buy locally produced vehicles and license locally. This is essentially a discriminatory behavior and abuses administrative power restrictions. Competition has imposed unequal treatment on market players with equal status under market conditions. Other brand distributors who also pay local taxes and also solve local employment are unfair and lose the credibility and justice of the government.
In general, the current stimulus policy only partially stimulates the car market, and it has not played a positive role in promoting the overall new car sales market. The new car market urgently needs inclusive stimuli such as the reduction of the purchase tax in half and the VAT used in the previous two stimulus car markets policies. These policies can benefit consumers across the country. For dealers, the inclusive stimulus policy actually replaces the OEMs ’s advertising and can increase showroom traffic and drive sales. If the inclusive policy of stimulating the auto market cannot be introduced in the near future, auto consumption will only pick up slowly in Q2. At the end of Q2, auto companies will adjust their sales plans for H2, assuming that Q3&Q4 can maintained last year's sales scale, the annual dealer retail sales are expected to fall by about 15%, which is about 3 million fewer than last year. Sales will fall to less than 20 million, and the total retail loss of new cars will be about 500 billion yuan.
Foreign epidemics have little effect on the annual retail sales of imported cars
In March, countries such as EU, America, and Japan were affected by the epidemic. Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Porsche, Lexus, Volvo, Lincoln, Lamborghini, Ferrari and other OEMs delayed the factory reopen time to late April or May. This will have a certain impact on imported car sales. The time of arrival of imported cars to China is almost N + 3 months (Toyota is about 1 month). The impact on the sales of imported cars will appear in the next few months. In February, domestic dealers suspended sales due to the epidemic, and the accumulated import inventory began to be released in March. Therefore, imported car inventories are relatively sufficient, which has little effect on sales. In April, Mercedes-Benz and other brands began to gradually open European factory production and imported car resources. The year’s inventory is still relatively ample, and various auto companies are not expected to adjust the annual sales target of imported cars.
Luxury cars have become the most resistant segment with a further increased market share
In Q1, the market share of luxury cars was 16.2%, an increase of 3.4% YoY. Among them, the market share of luxury cars was 18.3% in March, an increase of 3.5% YoY. The market share reached a new high in recent years. In Q1, the market share of Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Lexus, Cadillac and Volvo ranked tire one. From the perspective of market segmentation, in Q1, the market share of luxury cars was 54.5%, a decrease of 1.6 % YoY. The market share of luxury SUVs increased by 1.6% YoY, of which the market share of mid-sized SUVs was 24.5%, an increase of 2.8% YoY. The market share of the mid-sized sedan fell 1.5% YoY to 24.2% this quarter. As the two largest segments in the luxury car market, customer overlap is high, mainly affected by new products and new car prices. Sales are changing accordingly.
OEMs increase support for dealers, luxury car discount rate remains stable
In March, the overall weighted average price of the luxury car market was around 390,000 yuan, which was 18,000 yuan lower than the price in January, which was related to the decrease in imported car sales. The discount rate remained at around 14.9%, down 0.3% compared with January. The market price is relatively stable. OMEs increase their rebate support for dealers compared with January, the rebate increased by 0.7%. In March, luxury OEMs continued the February policy, continue to provide dealers with liquidity support; accelerate the issuance rebate bonus; extend the interest-free period of inventory financing; cancel or reduce the evaluation target of new car sales, etc. As the first complete sales month after the epidemic ended, the market's various indicators are trending well, which lays a good foundation for the rebound of market sales in the following months.
Luxury car retail sales has limited drop in regional central cities
In Q1, passenger car sales in 10 cities were 720,000, down 45% YoY, of which luxury car sales were 180,000 units, down 28% YoY. The market share of luxury cars in 10 cities rose to 26% from 20% in the same period last year ; Among the 10 cities, the market share of luxury car sales in Beijing and Shenzhen increased by 10% YoY, 9% YoY in Guangzhou, 8% YoY in Hangzhou, and 6% YoY in Suzhou and Chengdu. From the sales data of 10 cities, the luxury car retail market in the regional central cities has recovered faster. Consumers in these cities have relatively strong financial strength and better expectations for the future; as the epidemic ends, car consumption in the regional central cities begins Rejuvenated. In March, the luxury car market in Hangzhou, Suzhou, Chongqing, Shanghai, Xi'an and other cities recovered faster, and luxury car sales fell within 13% YoY. In March, only Beijing market fell 46%, mainly affected by the epidemic, and new and used cars cannot be traded normally. (The author selects ten domestic central cities to observe the retail market, covering the eastern and western regions, first-tier, second-tier, and third-tier markets. 10 cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Zhengzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Xi'an)
In Q1, Mercedes-Benz dealers had a retail volume of 140,000, a YoY decline of 23% and a market share of 27.1%. In Q1, Mercedes-Benz officially announced sales of 139,000, down 20% YoY. Mercedes-Benz sales fell below the industry average. This is related to the orders accumulated at the end of last year and the concentrated delivery in the first two months of this year. According to data released by the Beijing Statistics Bureau, the value added of the Beijing automobile manufacturing industry fell by 30.2% in Q1. The city produced 295,000 vehicles, a decrease of 27.9% from the same period last year. Beijing Benz started to resume work on February 10th. As the most high-quality asset in the Beijing automobile industry, Beijing Benz is under double pressure of production and output value. The data of Q1 of CPCA shows that Beijing Benz sold 110,000 units, accounting for 56% of the total sales of BAIC Group. This puts greater pressure on Mercedes-Benz's retail and price.
In March, the average transaction price of Mercedes-Benz new cars was 480,000 yuan, an increase of 11,000 yuan compared with the same period of last year. The brand discount was about 10%. Dealers had a certain profit margin for new car sales. In Q1, Mercedes-Benz A-Class, GLB, and GLC L sales grew faster, sharing the sales pressure of Mercedes-Benz C-Class and E-Class. But the discount rate of these three models also increased, of which Mercedes-Benz A-Class sales increased 31% YoY, reaching 13,000. And the average price of new cars is about 213,000 yuan. Compared with domestic models of the same segment, the price is the most expensive. But compared with the same period last year, the price dropped by nearly 22,000 yuan, which is related to the increase in sales and the proportion of model sales. The newly-launched GLB retail sales exceeded 5,000 units at around 330,000 yuan. And the average price of the BMW X1 at the same level was around 250,000 yuan. GLB sales and prices have some space for expansion. GLC L retails more than 31,000 units, with discounts and average sales prices remaining stable. The main sales of Mercedes-Benz imported cars GLE retail more than 7,500 units, reaching the level of the same period last year. The average sales price remained at about 790,000, becomes profitable model for dealers.
In March, Mercedes-Benz retail sales were not high in ABB. The first quarter was affected by the epidemic. Various OEMs did not pursue sales. Some orders in March can be transferred to April, leaving room for sales in Q2. Beijing Benz's production rushed ahead of schedule and did not adjust its production plan, which was passed to the sales level. Sales pressure will appear in Q2 as evidenced by the trend of brand discounts in April. If Mercedes-Benz's annual sales target is not adjusted, and the sales progress in the first and second quarters is faster than that of other luxury brands, then the sales pressure in the second half of the year will be less than that of other brands.
In Q1, BMW brand dealers had a retail volume of 117,000 units, a YoY decline of 29% and a market share of 22.5%. The retail volume of MINI brand dealers was 4,900 units, a YoY decline of 37%. In Q1, BMW (MINI) officially announced sales of 122,000 units, a YoY decline of 29%.
In March, the average transaction price of BMW's new car was 400,000 yuan, up 44,000 yuan compared with the same period last year, and the brand discount was about 14%. The average transaction price of BMW's new cars has increased, mainly related to the new products that have been continuously launched in the past year. After the new 3 series has been facelifted, the discount has rebounded significantly. After new cars go on sale, the price will be greatly improved compared with the original old models, which will help the BMW brand's average transaction price rebound.
During the shutdown of the BMW Brilliance plant, nearly 25,000 units of production were lost. For this, BMW Brilliance adjusted its production plan in March, which helped to ease the sales pressure of domestic produced BMWs. According to data from CPCA, Beijing Benz sales reached 51,000 in March, 10,000 more than BMW Brilliance. In March, retail dealers showed that Mercedes-Benz sold 7,200 fewer units than BMW. This part of the sales difference will appear in Q2. The specific manifestation is that the inventory pressure of Mercedes-Benz dealers will be greater than that inventory pressure on BMW dealers.
In Q1, BMW 5 Series sales reached 27,000, down 14% YoY. In March, BMW 5 Series sales have turned positive, exceeding 10,000, with discounts of around 12%; BMW 5 Series will be restructured in the middle of this year. It was further strengthened. In Q1, BMW X3 sales fell by 16% YoY, and sales exceeded 20,000 units. Sales in March were also close to positive. The discount is the same as that of the BMW 5 Series. The BMW 3 Series was brand new at the end of last year, and monthly sales will remain at around 10,000 units this year. At present, the average price of the BMW 3 Series is more than 300,000, an increase of more than 40,000 compared with the same period last year. And the discount is maintained at around 13%, which is also a great improvement compared with before the change. In Q1, the sales volume and price of BMW's two imported cars X5 and 7 series also maintained a good level.
In Q1, the sales volume of Audi dealers was 113,000 units, a YoY decline of 25%, and the market share was 21.8%. Audi ’s official sales were consistent with the dealers ’retail sales.
In March, the average transaction price of Audi's new car was 290,000 yuan, down about 20,000 yuan from the same period last year. The brand discount rate was 24%, and the trend was stable. Compared with Mercedes-Benz and BMW, the sales of Audi imported cars are less. The main sales models of Audi Q7 are not yet listed due to the epidemic. Among domestic models, the proportion of small cars such as Q3, A3 and Q2L is higher than that of Mercedes-Benz and BMW which has a certain impact. In terms of the average transaction price of models, the Audi A6L has been listed for 5 quarters, and the average transaction price has remained at around 360,000, which is an increase of 40,000 yuan compared to the price of the previous generation A6L delisting. The average price of the Mercedes-Benz E-class at the same level is 460,000. The average price of the 5 Series is 430,000. Although the sales of the three models are relatively close, they have opened the price range. In the mid-sized SUV segment, the average price of the Audi Q5L is maintained at about 340,000 yuan, and the average price of the Mercedes-Benz GLC L is 440,000. The average selling price of the BMW X3 is RMB 370,000. The three models also have similar sales and different prices.
In Q1, FAW Audi lost nearly 40,000 units of production due to the epidemic, so the sales pressure of dealers was not large. In March, Audi gave priority to providing dealers with A6L, Q5 and other best-selling model resources to help dealers resume sales. In Q1, the sales of Audi's three main sales models Audi A4L, A6L, Q5L exceeded 20,000, and the sales of Q3 and A3 exceeded 10,000. Only imported vehicles, affected by the epidemic and other factors, sales fell significantly, and are expected to be improved in Q2.
In Q1, Cadillac dealers retailed 26,000 units, a decrease of 40% YoY. The market share accounted for 5.1%, a decrease of 1% from the same period last year. In Q1, Cadillac officially announced sales of 26,800 units, a decrease of 40% YoY.
In March, the average transaction price of Cadillac's new car was 300,000 yuan, an increase of 20,000 over the same period last year. Brand discounts increased by 18%, a decrease of 2% compared with the same period last year. Cadillac achieved the average transaction price and double discount rate in one year, which reflects the work performance of the management team. The achievement of this performance is mainly achieved by the release of a more expensive new car and the release of a new car. Compared with last year the ATS-L, XTS, which had an old retail discount of about 30%, was delisted and discontinued. Two new models, CT5 and CT4, were released. The new medium and large SUV model CT6 was launched in July last year. This greatly helps the brand discount rate and the recovery of the average transaction price. However, the discount and average transaction price of the models on sale are not good. For example, compared with the same period last year, the main sales model XT5 has an average transaction price from 342,000 yuan to 306,000 yuan, a decrease of 36,000 yuan. However, the discount rate trend is opposite. In the same period of last year, 25% was reduced to 20%. The rebound of the discount was mainly achieved by adjusting the MSRP. In November 2017, Cadillac released the XT5 28E four-wheel drive model with the MSRP of 379,900 yuan. In June 2019, the XT5 mid-term facelifted, the MSRP of the same model was 349,700 reduced by more than 30,000, which helped the XT5 discount rate rebound. For the two models sold by Cadillac, since the mid-term change has not been made, the MSRPs has not been adjusted, and the discount and average price are more reflective of the true state. The average transaction price of CT6 is 330,000 yuan, which is 43,000 less compared with the same period last year. The discount was reduced by 25%, an increase of 6% compared with the same period last year. The average transaction price of XT4 was 250,000, compared with the same period last year, with an interval of 32,000 yuan. The discount was reduced by 20%, an increase of 9% compared with the same period last year. At this point, Cadillac gradually gave up the sales strategy of high pricing and high discounts, and began to lower the MSRPs, lower the discount of new car sales, reduce the damage of high discounts to the brand, and gradually increase the brand value.
In Q1, the dealer retail volume of Lexus was 32,000 units, with a decrease of 18% YoY. The market share accounted for 6.3%. The official sales volume was 28,000 units, with a decrease of 25% YoY.
In March, the average transaction price of new Lexus cars was 410,000 yuan, with a decrease of 50,000 yuan from the same period last year. This is related to the decrease in sales of more expensive models such as Lexus LX and GS.
In Q1, Lexus observed from the retail perspective of dealers that Lexus sales remained unchanged, which was related to Lexus's continuous order sales. Most of the vehicles delivered in Q1 were orders for last year and January, as long as the supply of new car resources can be guaranteed, dealer retail will not have a lot of pressure. In Q1, ES sales reached to nearly 16,000 units, with a decrease of 3.2% YoY. NX sales of 6,200 units with a decrease of 4.1% YoY. And RX sales fell by 35% to 6700 units, but the average transaction price rose by 5,000 yuan.
Jaguar Land Rover
In Q1, the retail sales of Jaguar Land Rover's domestic produced decreased gradually by 46% YoY. The domestic produced Discovery sports facelifted within the epidemic period. Production and batch sales were affected.
In March, Jaguar Land Rover's single-month showroom traffic and orders were significantly improved. 11 policies launched for dealers, including providing epidemic prevention materials for showroom employees, canceling the monthly assessment, giving inventory compensation, and launching comprehensive online marketing training in several areas, effectively alleviating dealer partners ’epidemic prevention and control and business operations pressure. At present, Jaguar Land Rover dealers in China have basically resumed operation.
In Q1, Volvo dealers sold 23,000 units, a decrease of 28% YoY. The official sales were 20,000 units with a decrease of 31% YoY. In Q1, Volvo's share decreased by 4.4%. The average price of the Volvo brand is 330,000 yuan.
In Q1, Porsche dealers sold 15,000 units, a decrease of 10% YoY. Among them, 6,600 units were sold in March, an annual increase of 51%, and sales started to pick up. In Q1, Porsche took various measures such as quick rebates and financial support to help dealers improve cash flow and increase liquidity. In terms of new car delivery, providing better-selling models to dealers, so that consumers can quickly refer to the ordered car from the dealer, to help dealers resume the new car sales business. In addition, Porsche China maintains communication and consultation with dealers on core indicators that affect dealers ’health operations, such as adjustments to spare parts procurement targets that dealers care about, new car batches, and rebates.
In Q1, Lincoln dealers sold 6,300 units a decrease of 28% YoY. Among them, the sales volume was 2,735,a decrease of 30% YoY. In Q1, the market share decreased by 1.2%, and the average brand price was 400,000 yuan. In Q2, domestic produced Corsair will enter full quarterly sales, which will help increase Lincoln brand sales.
In Q1, Infiniti dealers sold 4,400 units with a decrease of 55% YoY. in March, sales were 1,800, with a decrease of 51% YoY. In Q1, Infiniti's market share was 1.2%, and the average brand price was 300,000 yuan.(Data mismatch )
In Q1, Maserati dealers sold 590 units with a decrease of 68% YoY, of which 230 were sold in March, with a decrease of 35% YoY.
In Q1, the dealers sales volume of Acura was 1,844 with a decrease of 36%YoY, of which, in March, sales were 795, with a decrease of 18% YoY.
In March, Tesla retailed 13,000 units, of which 88% were domestically produced model 3. 98% of the sales were in 10 cities. Tesla ’s sales were concentrated in large and mid-sized cities. Shanghai ’s sales exceeded 3,000 units; Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen sales averaged over 1,000 units. Beijing sold nearly 1,800 units. Unlimited purchases in the cities of Chengdu and Suzhou exceeded 500 units. Nanjing, Ningbo, Chongqing, Tianjin, Xi'an, Qingdao, Xiamen exceeded 300 units. March is Tesla ’s key quarterly delivery month. Orders are scheduled to acquire domestic produced Model 3 from June 1, 2019, and batch delivery will be concentrated in March. The currently scheduled of Model 3 can be delivered within 2-4 weeks. In April, Tesla launched a financial promotion policy, stating that order acquisition is currently a top priority.
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Rolls-Roycedealers have a retail sales volume of 189 units, with a decrease of 18% YoY.
Bentleydealers have 600 retail sales, with an increase of 4% YoY.
Ferrari dealers have 13 retail sales, with a decrease of 93% YoY.
Lamborghinidealers have 25 retail sales, with a decrease of 90% YoY.
Aston Martindealers have 56 retail sales, with a decrease of 57% YoY.
copyright statement: This article is anoriginal article published by Sang Zhiwei for the first time. For reproduction or adapting, please communicate with the author. In case of any infringement, the infringer will bear the corresponding legal responsibilities. Apr. 29th, 2020, Beijing.
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